Hello and Welcome!
Hi there! If you're reading this, you already know who i am, so i'm not gonna bore you with and introduction...:) I'm thrilled that i've got my own mini-site now! To answer any questions that might come up concerning this...no, i'm not a featured artist now...no, i don't think i'll ever BE an FA here...but that's ok, cuz i have quite the full plate with making stuff for here, my other website Sim Design Sisters (SHAMELESS PLUG!! http://www.simdesignsisters.com), raising my now 17 year old daughter and my medieval hobby! Some days i wonder where i get all the time!
Anyway, i am hard at work on another set as well as tutorials for matching wallpaper textures, wood and tile floors and some more advanced border matching tricks that i didn't cover in my last tutorial...i also recently acquired a copy of 3DS Max, which has me quite baffled, as well as SimPE so i can do something other than walls and floors for a change...that's really all for now, catch you all later!
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